How ticunia works

Find & Decide

Fast as never before:
finding your products.

Precise and simple:
the right choice of products.

Book & Order

Added value for your customers:
speed and quality.

Strong impact on booking:
accuracy of offers.

Your advantage!

Clear advantage through innovation:
ticunia technology is solitary.

Clear advantage in competition:
powerful distinctive instruments.


Individual and powerful:
API design per target structure.

Barrier-free and smooth:
CI-designed user interface.

ticunia technologies is aimed at operators of reservation and information portals.

The ticunia API revolutionizes the finding and booking of your products and information.

Find and decide

With an increasing number of alternatives, the search time increases whereas the quality of the decision decreases disproportionately. ticunia solves this problem in a revolutionary way. Even for highly complex searching processes, the customer receives an individually optimized selection at a glance.

More bookings, more sales

A multiple times increased speed of decision making as well as a significantly improved quality of product decision generate more revenue. The customer loyalty increases. The booking rate and subsequent bookings rise in numbers.

Advantage through innovation

Your portal is not the only one, but by using ticunia technology you receive a unique and powerful tool for setting yourself apart from direct competition.


ticunia blends smoothly into your portal, according to your CI. The ticunia performance spectrum is precisely adapted to the individual targets of your portal.

Ticunia technology

Find and decide – 10 times faster, 10 times better

Many parameters influence the decision for or against a product or service. With an increasing number of deals and alternatives, however, the quality of a decision decreases disproportionately to exponentially. Simultaneously, the required search time increases disproportionately.

The choice of a hotel in New York City, containing 4000 hotel and apartment alternatives is already quite difficult when only taking into account the criteria “price” and “hotel rating”. Taking into account other criteria such as reviews, location, gastronomy and room size, the time required for a selection increases dramatically whereas the quality of a decision decreases significantly. Considering additional product features, an objective decision is no longer possible after a certain point.

ticunia technologies solves this problem in a revolutionary way. ticunia technologies accesses the data of the individual and crucial parameters and provides extremely concentrated decision bases. That way, the process of product searching and the process of purchase or booking decisions are heavily influenced and optimized by the two factors of speed and quality.

The result: your products and information can be found significantly faster. The presentation of results is visually condensed. The detection of the best results is immediate. The compression of information depends on the individual and subjective preferences of the user. Therefore, the quality of a product decision increases considerably. Conclusion: By integrating ticunia technology, the process of finding and deciding on complex search processes is significantly improved and highly accelerated – on average, at least by a factor of 10.


+49 221 34 06 236

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